I'm Julie, KE8URJ (she/they) and this is my radio site.

Here is my QRZ Profile

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My primary radio is an Icom IC-7300 and I usually work digital modes like FT8 or PSK-31.

Licensed in 2022, upgraded from Tech to General in 2023. I'm a native of Cleveland, Ohio currently living in the SW suburbs of Portland, Oregon.

I'm openly transgender and describe myself as a non-binary trans girl. I'm a proud member of the Pride Radio Group and love making friends with other queer hams.

Diversity and inclusion is incredibly important both in amateur radio and in the world around us. Take care of those around you.

Julie smirking and leaning on one hand, wearing long pointy elf ears.

I'm All Ears
I may be a woodland elf or a forest princess and that's totally normal.